


STEM教育中心提供证书,M.S., Ph值.D. STEM项目 education as well as opportunities to collaborate on STEM education research.

Why a class, certificate, or degree in the STEM教育中心?

  • Improve your ability to teach science and math to every kind of learner.
  • Pursue tenure-track research and teaching positions at universities and colleges.
  • Serve as STEM curriculum directors and school administrators.
  • Develop programming for out-of-school organizations, museums, and learning centers. 

Graduate students are the pinnacle of an institution, and we use one-on-one mentoring 帮助他们在九游会国际内外取得成功.

更多关于研究生课程的信息   计划参观


Our faculty are mathematics and science education researchers—with expertise in both quantitative and qualitative methods—working towards multiple research goals:

  • Designing new ways to help children learn mathematical concepts.
  • Investigating science lab activities that inspire high school students.
  • Developing more equitable learning communities for K-12 classrooms.
  • 通过户外学习探索气候科学.
  • Finding creative ways to use virtual learning tools to improve outcomes.
  • Working with academic and industry partners to tie secondary STEM education to regional 工作机会. 




STEM按需服务 GenSea
联系人: Dr.% 20 allison % 20唐宁 联系人: 塔拉% 20斯凯尔顿 or 帕特里克% 20科比

USM is home to an innovative program that supports teachers across the state with virtual lessons in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) for kindergarten 在密西西比州的八年级教室里.

GenSea: Blue Economy Pathways introduces students to the vast career opportunities 在沿海走廊. This USM 协作 effort pairs the STEM教育中心 and the School of Ocean Science and Engineering, with generous support from the Hearin 基金会.

STEM按需服务 GenSea
STEMontheGO is a new campus-wide initiative to provide free STEM teaching kits aligned to a variety of science and math disciplines for use by faculty and students to share 重要的概念,通过实践活动. Funded by a DoDSTEM grant, the JROTC STEM学院 gives Cadets around the country the opportunity to interact with scientists and engineers, observe a broad range of STEM careers, and participate as part of a Cadet team to create, test, and improve their own solutions to STEM-focused engineering design challenges. 

联系人: Dr.% 20 allison % 20唐宁 or 

Dr.% 20 20兰佩特蕾莎修女%

联系人: Dr.% 20朱莉% 20 cwikla
The EJSLA is funded by a Steps Coalition grant from the National Academies Science Engineering and Medicine (NASEM), and the curriculum development work is coordinated 由USM教师成员博士. 沃克,大卫·霍尔特和瑞秋·吉斯怀特.  
联系 Dr.% 20瑞秋% 20 gisewhite  


JSHS 第一区科学展览
联系人: Dr.% 20 kendrick % 20布福德 联系人: Dr.% 20 kendrick % 20布福德
三服务-美国的部门.S. 陆军、海军和空军赞助的STEM competition which promotes original research and experimentation in the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) at the high school level and publicly 表彰成绩优异的学生. 通过将有才华的学生联系起来, their teachers, and research professionals at affiliated symposia and by rewarding research excellence, JSHS aims to widen the pool of trained talent prepared to conduct 研究和发展对我们国家至关重要. The 第一区科学展览 covers the following counties: Adams, Amite, Clarke, Covington, Forrest, Franklin, Green, Jasper, Jefferson, Jefferson Davis, Jones, Lamar, Lawrence, Lincoln, Marion, Pearl River, Perry, Pike, Simpson, Smith, Walthall, Wayne, and Wilkinson. The 第一区科学展览 services children in Grades 1st – 12th.
青少年科学与人文学术研讨会 第一区科学展览
密西西比科学奥林匹克竞赛  科学展览
联系人: Dr.% 20 allison % 20唐宁 联系人: 苏珊% 20 stachowski
The 密西西比科学奥林匹克竞赛 (MSO) is devoted to improving the quality of science education, increasing student interest in science and providing recognition for outstanding achievement in science education by both students and teachers.

The Region VI Science and Engineering Fair  serves the counties of George, Hancock, 哈里森,杰克逊和斯通.


密西西比科学奥林匹克竞赛 第六区科学展览



from around the world have obtained their graduate degrees in Science Education since 1964.


hosts the Region I Upper and Lower 科学博览会 for 23 South Mississippi counties.


hosts the 密西西比科学奥林匹克竞赛 State Tournament for the winning teams from 三个地区.